Well, here we are. The last post for the site. To not leave anyone wondering, I have decided to not do anymore "Common Rulings and Misconceptions" or potential YouTube shorts. Main reason is my interest in the game is fading and so I'm going to move on. Plus, more and more people are going to eventually move on from Buddyfight so the investment in the content for a smaller and smaller audience just isn't worth it to me. I'll always enjoy playing and talking about the game but I'm moving on. I'd like to move onto other things other than writing blog posts while still playing card games as a hobby.
It was a great 6 years of Buddyfight and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Everyone I have met (and continue to meet at regional events) are great people. The couple times I have gotten into top 8 with my Gojinmaru ninja deck and Lost Electrodeity decks were awesome and fun.
Even though Buddyfight is dead, I don't see myself leaving the Bushiroad card game scene. I have started to find an interest in Shadowverse: Evolve so I still see myself going to regionals in Toronto, Canada and White Plains, NY so if you see me, feel free to say hi! (if you even know what I look like). I still don't mind talking about Katana World if you have questions or just want to chit chat. Also, unless someone asks me to bring my Katana World cards, I won't be bringing them to any regional.
I will still be a moderator for the Futurecard Buddyfight North American group for the foreseeable future. The games dead but I'll always be around to make sure the sales posts have paper time stamps.
So, what's next? Well first, I'm still learning Japanese and that's been fun. I feel like I'm getting to the point where I feel like I'm semi-fluent so that's nice but there's still a lot of work to do.
I've also started to get into Shadowverse Evolve (SVE). Within SVE, I have taken interest in the general art and playstyle of Abysscraft. I will probably continue down that rabbit hole unless something drastic happens. I don't plan on starting a new blog for the game though. As much as I have enjoyed writing blog posts (and still did enjoy until the end) for this website, it is very time consuming since I am OCD about everything looking just right on the site and I'm the holy trinity for the site: writer, editor and publisher.
This blog site was ultimate just a passion project of mine that was spurred on/inspired by Blaze's "Buddyfight Theory" blog site. I had many thoughts in my head while building decks but writing them down seemed to help me through my thought processes, so I hope this site was just as helpful for you as it was for me. I've literally never made a penny on this site. I hate ads so I never set that up nor will I ever set that up.
Also, just wanted to say thanks again to Harry on making my blog's background. I still love it to this day. I haven't heard from you in a long time. Hope you're doing well.
This site will stay up for the rest of forever as far as I can tell. It'll be a nice, complete site cataloguing all the ramblings and thoughts of a man with too much money and time to invest in a children's card game... and no, I swear I don't have a problem. Anyways, it was fun while it lasted!
Maybe the real tournament prize is the friends we make along the way.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you everyone for your thoughts, input and ideas throughout the years. Thank you to anyone who has even read even a little bit of my posts. 本当に有難うございます.
And finally, the last set of the game in English. I know I know, hold back the tears. One thing to note is that a box of Buddy Ragnarok always gave the exact same set of cards so, you know what you're getting if you buy a box. Bushiroad more than likely did this since it was the last set. I do want to mention that I personally feel like I didn't say too much about each card in general but at the same time, the cards are pretty self-explanatory in what they do. So, like usual, let's start from the top!
This is the second printing of this card. The first print was from Perfected Time Ruler. However, this time, it was printed as an SP instead of a boring double rare and I have to say, I like the art. If you want to see any further details about this card, check out the Perfected Time Ruler set review.
Long story short, this card is super flexible in many Katana World decks. Mainly ninjas (duh), Skull Warriors, Garninjas, Bladedancers and Blade Beasts. The protection effect is a nice bonus but is not usually what you use this card for. It's mainly used for the tutoring/filter of your deck.
Also, unless you're low on deck, always grab two cards. Worst case, you discard one card you grabbed from the tutor.
I have mixed feelings about Sol Trilight. At first glance, she looks like she might be, for all intents and purposes, an upgrade to Electrodeity of Light, Amaterasu but, I disagree. I think the real limiting factor of this card is that it can only activate during either player's battle phase.
I think depending on what kind of deck you're playing, you can possibly play her but not all decks necessarily want her. That means if you want to potentially have more counter play during the opponent's main phase (like Cross Manners/Sakurafubuki), you're not running this in the deck. If you're playing Lost Electrodeity, then yes, this card is great because you just want Lost World by the end of the opponent's turn.
The last Kurogane and thankfully, he's a good card. Hayabusa is basically the default size two Kuragane you'll run in the deck. Mainly because of the card protection effect and the deck needs the opponent to attack. It also helps trigger the size 1 SHAKUDO later on in this list.
Kid Ibuki got a Re:B! I do wish they used his SP art. It's better in my opinion. Anyways, he works very similar to his original effect but it's a little more power crept to keep up with the times. It can also destroy items along with monsters and deals damage based on the critical. Not their size. He also helps set himself up for free!
Sadly, this won't be enough to make the card good. Most decks run anti-destruction in almost any conceivable way. Sure, there may be a way to break up the board but you'll be having to do something as annoying and tedious as destroying a set spell, then, attacking a 2 soul monster that provides protection from effect damage before you could actually freely start destroying cards.
By that point though, the game is probably almost over with and not in your favor so people have pretty much given up destruction effects. Sadly, I don't think Kid Ibuki Re:B is really playable to any certain degree.
Mashiro is another support card for keeping Electrodeity's items on the field. It can be a toss up between either running a copy or two in the main deck or just leave her in the sideboard. Her first counter effect is nice but I don't think Electrodeities are too worried about destruction or bounce effects. They're more worried about put effects and unfortunately, I think Grace of the Sun Deity does an overall better form of protection because Sun Deity is for the whole turn (and therefore, deals with Vanity Husk Destroyer well) and Mashiro is just for one instance.
The other new Bladedancer and he's actually really good! He needs a bladedancer to be put into his soul to be called but that's not a super hard requirement (but strange for a size 1). Keep in mind that his damage increase effect only works on the impact. It doesn't work with Kurogane Hayabusa's burn effect (because he's not an Excelblade). However, his gauge gain effect does trigger with Kurogane Hayabusa's burn effect AND the Excelblade impacts. Also, he's tutor-able thanks to Tsukikage Re:B.
A new tutor for Bladedancers! It's fantastic that it doesn't cost any gauge. Between this card and Tsukikage Re:B, you can get your full board on the field pretty consistently. Regaining the 2 life isn't hard either. You have Kurogane Hayabusa that burns the opponent for two and gives two life back and you have Fusion Style, Steadfast Sequence the First. Overall, this card's cost is basically free.
Now this card flew under my radar years after it came out. I just saw Gardog and Garbird and just didn't even think it would be useful in anything other than Garninjas but, this card is pretty strong as long as a deck has a lot of Ninja Art cards. So, at the very least Tsukikage brother ninjas and Garninjas.
At best, you get 3 gauge and 3 life for one card which is solid and it's not that hard to accomplish either. Also, you can even cycle the card itself back into the deck to potentially reuse later. The two Dragod tokens is also nice but I think people will gravitate to this card more for it's resource gain.
The new spell null for Electrodiety (after they limited Demon Way, Sakurafubuki to 1). It's basically like any other spell null now. Playable on turn 1 but because it costs 2 gauge, it can't be played multiple times like Sakurafubuki could.
I don't think it's an absolute staple in every Electrodeity deck and honestly, it's not optimal to play it with Sol Trilight Amaterasu. Still, I think it can be generally played as a 2/3 of. In my play testing, 4 copies with 1 copy of Sakurafubuki made the deck feel a little too cluttered but your mileage may vary.
The new an improved weapon for Bladedancers! This card isn't technically a straight upgrade to Excelblade, Godslash KANESADA (this card costs 2 life instead of 1) but for all intents and purposes, it's basically better. By this point, you also shouldn't even need Excelblade, Beastcut in the main or side deck at all. You can basically run 8 copies of this card in your deck thanks to KABUKI MAI. Not saying you have to. I find it better to run 2/3 copies of the weapon and 4 copies of the tutor personally.
The last Garninja item. His cost isn't bad since it's split between 1 gauge and 1 life. He has on field protection of your Deity Dragon Tribes as long as a size 2 or greater Dragod is on the field and he can extend the battle phase by summoning two size 0 Dragod tokens. These tokens can also be summoned during the opponent's turn for defense as well. Overall, real solid weapon to choose for Garninja decks. Not much else to say. The card basically writes itself.
Yamigitsune gets a Re:B form and boy was it a sight for sore eyes. He gives everything a skull warrior would want. He gives all Skull Warriors shadow dive. He actually has some staying power by having two easy souls. Skull Warrior's damage cannot be reduced with a Skull Warrior is attacking alone. His "To Darkness" skill gives a gauge, life and draw and he has double attack, soulguard and move (for some odd reason).
Overall, he's the best Yamigitsune Skull Warriors will ever get. 10/10. He's a good boy.
Ziun on the other hand, he's rough. At least from the Skull Warrior/Katana World perspective. I assume he's more fitted for the Dungeon World/Omnilord deck. I've never played that deck so I don't have any insight there. He also in theory works well if you want to still run the Boy Transformation, Yamigitsune, size 0/3 build but he's very weak and susceptible to many disruptions so he's not really viable anymore.
On paper, Byakuya Re:B doesn't seem bad but that doesn't make him great. I'll be honest, I haven't thought much about him. I can see there being an all size 1 field gimmick where you just get Tsukikage Re:B on the field to buff 1 or 2 Byakuya on the field and you just work on trying to discard your whole hand to shadow dive the opponent to death with 4 critical attacks but, I haven't really messed with him. Plus for me, size 1 ninja fields feel boring since they've been around since literally day 1 of Katana World and at least Gojinmaru as a concept is at least a little newer (but still very old). This Byakuya is basically as useful as the deck you decide to build around him.
Next up is the goodest boy in all of the Japanese Blade archetype. He gives destruction protection. He gives power and critical boosts and he even freely sets up the drop zone AND gives gauge and card advantage back?! Pinch me I must be dreaming. Sure, he's a little expensive at 2 gauge but what's 2 gauge when you get it right back from his "Stance Under the Moonlight" ability? You can even plus one gauge if you have Voice of the Blade on the field when you play Mikazuki Munechika. Run 3. Make him buddy. Give all your worldly possessions to him. He deserves it.
You know, I think it's a shame that Bushiroad kept making Giant Tanuki/Hellrend Heaven cards in Katana World but never actually gave the card a fair shake in Katana World itself. Like, let people dabble with a decent deck where you play Katana World but also only play Guardians and Executioners. Would it be good? Probably not but it would be a funny casual deck.
So there we have it. The last Set Review for the game. Personally, it feels weird only give about a paragraph explanation for each card but these cards were just meant to be generally good for the decks they were supported with. Can't really look into the future and speculate when you know the games dead. Oh well.
Relatively speaking, Bladedancers/Excelblades don't have a lot of support. It's enough to make a solid deck (unlike some archetypes *looks at Water*) but there's not enough to have much variety in their playstyle. I made the deck intending to try to make it the best at what it can be. A control/burn deck.
Like usual, if you'd like to watch the video on the deck, check it out below:
The general gist of the deck isn't anything out of the ordinary for a Bladedancer deck. The goal of the deck is to force the opponent to draw with KUROGANE because many times, the opponent doesn't want to attack but KUROGANE will force them to attack. In the mean time, they'll be taking damage from various cards. Let's do a card-by-card.
Silver Orchid Swordsman, SUZU - A 1 gauge cost, size 1 monster that tutors an Excelblade upon successful summon. That means you can grab either the impact or the item. Her other effect isn't anything special. She gains penetrate and double attack if you have the item of the deck equipped but her stats are very low. Also, she will usually be called over pretty quickly so the second effect is pretty negligible.
Young Alloy Swordsman, SHAKUDO - The main size 1 you'll want on the field. His call cost is to put one Bladedancer from the drop into his soul. Keep in mind, this can include spells as well.
His first effect increases damage of Excelblade cards by 1. This only counts towards the impacts.
His second effect gives the player a gauge when the opponent is dealt damage by card effects. This can come from not only the Excelblade impacts but from any other card. Also, keep in mind this is not once per turn. He's a real solid gauge gain card.
Nanomachine Ninja, Tsukikage "Re:B" - This one might seem odd but there's a reason. Tsukikage is in the deck for consistency. He won't be on the field very long. He's a floater. You can think of him as a couple wild cards for either SUZU or SHAKUDO so the deck technically has both 5 SUZU and 5 SHAKUDO.
You have neither card? You can get both and discard a card from hand. You have 1 but not the other? You can grab 1 of each and discard the extra copy. You can search for a SUZU and SHAKUDO and you'll be all set for both getting at least the item and having your preferred size 1.
If push comes to shove, you can also use his discard ability to keep either himself or KUROGANE on the field. It probably won't usually happen but it's an option if you absolutely need KUROGANE on the field.
Guardian Electrobeast, Goryou - At this point, I don't think I need to introduce her. She's in almost every deck I run. Goryou is just a free consistency card. I run her at 4 to maximize consistency. Worst case, if you have too many, just discard her for Tsukikage or charge and draw her. There's no real downside to her. She is also a monster that will not stay on the field very long. Usually being called over by KUROGANE
Steelframe Swordsman, KUROGANE "HAYABUSA" - The main size 2 in the deck that does a lot of work. He's a little expensive at 2 gauge but he does get 2 souls so that's nice.
When he's on the field, Excelblade cards cannot be destroyed or leave the field by the opponent's card effects. Between this effect and SIN UCHI's souls, the item shouldn't be easily destroyed.
His next effect is quite long. At the start of each player's attack phase, if your item is standing, gain 2 life, deal 2 damage to the opponent and for the turn, all of the opponent's monsters MUST attack if able. This is nice because many times, the opponent will call monsters and just pass turn. Hoping to draw into a solution later but with this, they can't stall. Also, remember that if SHAKUDO is on the field, you would also gain a gauge but you would NOT deal 1 extra damage due to SHAKUDO because KUROGANE is not an Excelblade.
To finish him off, he has penetrate, triple attack and soulguard. All solid effects.
Excelblade, Godslash KANESADA -SIN UCHI- - The best sword for the deck. Pay 2 life and put up to 2 Excelblade or Bladedancer cards into its soul. Doesn't matter if it's a monster, spell, item or impact.
It's downside, like all other Excelblades, is that no monsters can be summoned to the center.
The next effect says all Bladedancers on the field cannot be rested and their abilities cannot be nullified by the opponent.
The counterattack is different than normal. Normally with counterattack, when a link attack happens, you can only destroy one card in the link attack. When SIN UCHI's counterattack triggers, all monsters in the link attack are destroyed by counterattack. This effect, while sounds good, won't be very impactful because counterattack is considered effect destruction and not a battle so, all the anti-destruction will keep this effect from occurring very often.
Ultimately, the point of this card is its beefy stats and is what's needed for several cards to get their full effect.
-KABUKI MAI- - Moving onto spells, we have the second tutor of the deck. For 2 life, you can grab a KUROGANE card and an Excelblade (again, either item or impact) from deck. Real solid, 10/10 card to get the deck going. Pretty self explanatory.
Forging -From Fire- - The draw spell for the deck. Basically, draw a card if there's a Bladedancer and then if there's an Excelblade, draw another card. Keep in mind that just having the weapon equipped is both a Bladedancer and Excelblade.
Hiding Oni - Another alternative draw spell for Bladedancers. It costs the soul of a card on the field to gain a gauge and draw 2 cards. Because SIN UCHI and KUROGANE both can have a few souls, you can send one soul to the drop to gain a gauge and draw two.
Fusion Style, Stance of Staring -Ichi- - Another consistency card. Because this card is slower (it can only be casted during the battle phase), it's going to probably be used more for finding attack nulls and the impact. It's also a nice resource gain for players to be able to actually cast the impact.
Keep in mind, you can grab UP TO two cards to hand. If you need the two gauge for an impact in your hand, you can just grab one card and gain 2 gauge instead of grabbing 2 cards and putting 1 to gauge.
Fusion Style Training Grounds, KAZIBA - A set spell for the deck. It has a few effects. The first is all Bladedancers get 2000 attack which is nice but nothing special.
The second and more important effect lets you gain 2 life and deal 2 damage if the opponent destroys a Bladedancer on the left or right during the opponent's turn. This combos well with KUROGANE since he forces the opponent's monsters to attack something. It creates a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario for them.
Also, you can have multiples of the spell on the field to burn the opponent for 4, 6 or even 8 damage when a monster is destroyed.
Fusion Style, Steadfast Sequence the First - The first of two attack nulls for the deck. I use the word "attack null" loosely here because the cards don't actually "nullify" an attack. They reduce the damage to 0 which allows the counterattack to occur. If the attacks were nullified, the counterattack wouldn't go through.
Anyways, Steadfast Sequence the First can only be casted during the opponent's turn and if your Excelblade item is standing. You gain 2 gauge, gain 2 life and the next time you would take damage, it's reduced to 0. Keep in mind that you don't have to cast this card in response to an attack. It can be casted anytime during the opponent's turn provided your Excelblade item is standing.
Recover Veil - The second attack "null". I know it's probably weird to see a generic card in the deck but it fits pretty well with the archetype in general. First, it protects your hand against decks that want to discard your hand which is nice but not why it's run.
At counter speed, you can do one of two things. Either gain two gauge, which is nice for those clutch moments you need the gauge for your impact or, reduce the next attack you take to 0 which still triggers the counterattack of your Excelblade item. Just keep in mind that it doesn't reduce effect damage.
If you don't want to spend money on Recover Veil or are having hard time finding it, a decent second option is Kagura, Blossom Dancer. You can at least get the "reduce to 0" effect with the card but it won't give you the gauge gain option.
Demon Way, Sakurafubuki - The classic 1 of that can be put in practically any Katana World deck. For 2 life, you can nullify a spell. Pretty simple and straightforward. There's an argument to be made that the power creep at the end of the game is such that one spell null for a turn isn't a huge deal so if you don't want to put this card in, I totally understand.
Excelskill of Iai, "Kamikaze" - Last but certainly not least is the main impact of the deck. Kamikaze can only be casted if your Excelblade item is standing. It costs 2 gauge and you nullify the attack, then, nullify the abilities of all attacking cards and destroy them, draw 2 cards and deal 3 damage. It's pretty crazy. Also, I don't run any of the Pinnacle of Iai, Godspeed because Kamikaze is basically just a better version all around. I also don't think you need to run any copies of Godspeed a long side Kamikaze. Just only run Kamikaze.
Up next is side board which can be pretty subjective based on what decks you're dealing with but let's go over it anyways.
Cherry Blossom Dance - Another layer of protection for your item and helps hinder decks that rely on summoning monsters from the drop zone.
Heavyblade Swordsman, NAMARI - Helps trigger the set spell in the main deck and allows you to get back your impact from the drop so you can use it again. I foresee this being added in if the opponent has a lot of life gain where you can't finish someone off with one or two of the impacts.
Spider Thread Art - Honestly, this isn't a great sideboard option so if you have something else you prefer more, go for it. Another good option is Grace of the Sun Deity if you are fighting Lost World and want to keep your item equipped.
There you have it. I think the deck definitely has enough cards for a little bit of wiggle room for some number/card changes based on how you play but the staples cards for the deck are pretty set in stone.
Up next is my Electrodeity deck. This will just be a normal Electrodeity deck and not Lost Electrodeities. Compared to Lost Electrodeity, I haven't play tested this deck nearly as much, but the playstyle is pretty simple and straightforward.
If you'd like to watch the video on the deck, check it out below:
Weaver of Dream and Fate, Miko - Miko has two abilities. Her first ability lets you sacrifice herself on the field to keep your item on the field. This is a nice effect but not what you play her for. You play her for her second ability. When your opponent attacks you directly, you put her from the drop to the bottom of the deck and pay a gauge. If you do, you nullify an attack and gain 3 life.
Electrobeast Emissary, Otora - When Otora enters the field, if there's another Electrodeity, you gain a gauge and draw a card. A good card to cycle your hand and gain some gauge at the same time. It's also not once per turn. Just run her at 4 at any time.
Guardian Electrobeast, Goryou - Goryou can only be called once but when you do call her, she lets you check the top 3 cards of your deck and put one to hand. She's just a good consistency boost for the deck.
Electrodeity of Light, Amaterasu - The buddy of the deck. She costs 2 gauge to summon but you will rarely pay that cost. She's your backup possession option. She'll usually be called to the field. At counter speed, she can either let you gain 2 life, draw a card and gain 4000 defense (total of 12,000) or, gain a gauge and get 8000 power and double attack. You'll more often than not use the former skill but the latter skill isn't bad either.
Affectionate Heavenly Deity, Amaterasu - She costs 3 gauge to summon but you rarely will have to pay for this. It'll be summoned for free with a card I'll show in a little bit. Her ability is, pay 1 life, draw a card and choose one of the following two. Her first ability is, gain 6,000 power (total of 14,000) and triple attack. The second is gain 6,000 defense (total of 14,000) and gain counterattack. This is a more offensive option you will summon during your turn. The 1 life cost should be negligible with the life gain you get from Electrodeity of Light, Amaterasu, Weaver of Dream and Fate, Miko and the next card.
Electrodeity of Water, Mizuhanome - She has one of two options you can use once per turn. The first is "rest a monster and gain 2 life" or "bounce a monster and burn the opponent for 1". Also, the life gain and life burn effects are not dependent on the first half of the effect being successful. She's in here mainly as a tech option so if you don't have much of a use for her, you can swap it out for other cards. You'll usually summon her to the field as a size 0 thanks to the next card...
Great Electrodeity of Freedom, Izanami - Izanami will be the main Electrodeity you want to possess into. Izanami has triple attack. She has two abilities that you can only choose one of once per turn. The first allows you to get an extra turn if you discard 5 different size 3 Electrodeities from your hand. This ability can't even be used in the deck. There's only 4 different size 3 Electrodeities in the deck.
The main purpose for Izanami is her second ability. Once per turn, you can summon a size 3 Electrodeity from the drop to the field for free and it becomes a size 0 as long as it's on the field. This is how you're able to re-summon both Amaterasus and Mizuhanome for free onto the field.
Kagura-bell of Worship - The main weapon for the deck. It's a crucial staple that without it, the deck just won't function. I run it at 3 because any less and it's possible for both copies to be in the starting gauge and that will be a major hinderance during a game.
Kagura, Blossom Dancer - A spell card that can only be casted during the opponent's turn. You can either equip an Electrodeity item from deck or drop or, the next time you take damage, reduce it to zero.
I like this more than Electrodeity Festival because with Blossom Dancer, if the Electrodeity player is going second, they can possess into a size 3 at the start of their first turn (second turn of the game). With Electrodeity Festival, your first turn feels bad enough if you're going turn 0. If you're going second though, your opponent is basically getting two turns in a row. It always feels weak. Where with Blossom Dancer, you can start off with a solid first turn after your opponent.
Miracle Fighters - Another tutor for the deck. You basically pay a gauge, select an attribute of a card on your field, and grab either an item or size 3 monster with the same selected attribute. I just run 2 copies because any more and it starts to feel redundant and pointless in your hand.
Ritual, Harvest Prayer - The draw spell for the deck. Pay 1 gauge. If you have an electrodeity on the field, draw 2 cards. If your item has a soul (which means your possessed), draw 1 more. Pretty straightforward.
Kagura, Electrodeity Welcome - A spell that you can only cast this if you have an Electrodeity on the field. Pay 1 life, gain 3 gauge then, look at all gauge and put up to one card in gauge to hand. A solid resource/pseudo tutor card. You can also rearrange the cards in the gauge how you want so if you want to get certain cards out of the gauge, re-arrange the cards in gauge to your liking.
Cross Manner - Electrodeity's own spell null! It can only be casted if your item has a soul. Pay 2 gauge to nullify the spell and for the turn, the opponent can't cast the same card again. Another straightforward card.
Sol Aurora - It can only be casted if you're being attacked. Nullify the attack then if your item has a soul, gain a gauge and life and choose one of the attackin cards and for the turn it can't re-stand. Another solid attack null/resource gain for the deck.
Freed Flower of Yosen - The last attack null of the deck. You can cast it when you're being attacked. Nullify the attack and if its the third or more attack for the turn and your item has a soul, end the phase. Just a solid way to stop the opponent from trampling you.
Wind Arc Deity, Uzu-ikazuchi - This might be a little unexpected but I see this card as the kind of "impact" for the deck. You can only cast it if your item has a soul. For the turn, the criticals of all Electrodeity on the field cannot be reduced by card effects and when your item attacks, destroy a card on the opponent's field and burn the opponent for 1. I don't expect many cards to be destroyed by this card's effect but the burn damage is independent of the card destruction. So, with Izanami as an item, this will trigger 3 times. I run at 3 so its common enough to see and I might have a chance of using it twice. 4 seems excessive and 2 or less seemed too little. Without this, the deck doesn't feel like it has enough offense to push for game. If you think otherwise, that's fine, you can take this out of your deck.
Demon Way, Sakurafubuki - A better version of Cross Manner. No requirement other than 2 life to nullify a spell. Unfortunately it's limited to 1 in any deck.
Cherry Blossom Dance - A set spell that has two abilities. The first is if your item would leave the field, you may sacrifice the set spell to keep the item on the field. The second prevents your opponent from calling monsters from the drop. It's used primarily to help with the anti-item destruction and the anti-drop summon effect is just icing on the cake.
Loyalty - A spell that costs a gauge and has three abilities. It is mainly used for the third effect. This effect makes it so the opponent can't call more than 3 monsters in a turn. This is nice if you play against a deck that likes to spam summon monsters for effects and advantage.
Grace of the Sun Deity - It's a spell that has one of two effects. It's mainly used for the second effect. That effect states that you choose a card on the field and for the turn, the card annot be destroyed or leave the field by your opponent's card effects and its souls cannot be dropped or returned to deck by the opponent's card effects.
This is mainly used against Lost World/Husk so your item cannot be put to the drop. With this card, you could arguably replace Cherry Blossom Dance with something else but I haven't thought of a viable alternative card.
The Oni Assassin deck is next up! I don't think my deck is going to be too different than what many people will play with the end of game card options. It may be plus or minus a few card numbers here and there. What is frustrating is I would like to optimize the gameplay strategy for the deck but I seem to struggle to make it go off more often. If anyone has any suggestions to make my loop work better, I'm all ears. Next, if you would like to see a video of me explaining the deck, check out the video below:
Before I explain the deck, let's run down the deck list.
Anyone familiar with Oni Assassins will see that I'm going with the discard playstyle. I want to get Mountain Deity Oni Blade, Kid Ibuki on the field as much as possible to force the opponent to discard cards. If anyone has any ideas on how to make this occur more consistently, please let me know. Right now, it feels rather hit or miss. Usually I can get it to trigger at least once a turn but if I can get it to trigger 2-3 times a turn, that would be cool but I also understand if I'm reaching for the stars here.
Anyways, onto the card explanations.
Oni Horde, Underworld Legion - Let's start with the only size 0, Oni Horde. He has soulguard and is free to call (but you can add a card from hand into his soul if you want). His last ability is when an Oni Assassin monster enters the field by ambush, deal 1 damage to the opponent and this triggers once per turn so you'll want to trigger that on each player's turn to get the most bang for your buck.
Oni Horde is the ideal card to have in the center and stack him up with facedown souls. The issue is there is no consistent way to search him out so you sometimes have to improvise with other Oni Assassins in the center until you draw into him.
Lady Oni, Uji Bridge Princess - Uji Bridge Princess is also free to play but have the option to add a soul facedown before calling her. Other than ambush, her other ability lets you gain a gauge when she enters the field and if she entered the field by ambush, gain another gauge. She's primarily there just for the gauge gain. Sure, you could use her for facedown soul set up (and it's totally fine to do so) but normally, Oni Horde should get the souls.
Fiend of Gaze, Ayo - I made Ayo the buddy only because he's super easy to call and there's no real situation you wouldn't want to call him to the field. Feel free to choose another monster you like. Even Uji Bridge Princess would be fine.
Ayo has ambush and when he enters the field, pick an Oni Assassin on your field, you check the top 3 cards of the deck, put one facedown into the card you chose. The rest go to the bottom of the deck. This skill helps dig out ambush monsters from the deck into the field.
Also, remember that if you have a size 3 ambush monster and Ayo go to the drop at the same time, you can call Ayo first, call Ayo over with the size 3 monster then, trigger Ayo's ability and choose the size 3 monster on the field. I won't go into the details why here but I go into more depth on the Oni Assassins Archetype Archive post.
Fiend of Ailments, Affliction Oni - Affliction Oni is basically the item tutor for the deck. In order to have enough gauge to play this deck optimally, you'll need the item as soon as possible. To do this, I run three copies of Affliction Oni. Worst case, if you get more than 1 Affliction Onis, just grab more copies of the item. It helps filter out unneeded cards out of the deck and it's free to use them to charge and draw in the draw phase.
Red Lady Oni, Kureha - Kureha costs 1 gauge and has ambush and move. Her main skill activates when she enters the field. You can take a card with ambush in the drop zone other than herself and add it to hand. Then, if Kureha entered the fields by ambush, put a card from your hand into the soul of an Oni Assassin on the field. It doesn't have to be the card you grab from the drop either.
Also, just like Ayo above, if Kureha and a size 3 ambush monster go from a facedown soul to the drop at the same time, you can delay activating her effect. You can call Kureha first, then call over her with a size 3 monster then, use her enter-on-field effect to grab a card, put it to hand and put a card facedown into a field card's soul.
Mountain Deity Oni Blade, Kid Ibuki - The main size 3 of the deck. He's quite expensive at 2 gauge and 1 life to call. He innately has ambush and triple attack. His main skill is, when he enters the field, choose an Oni Assassin on the field, check the top 5 cards of your deck, put up to two cards from among them into its soul facedown and put the rest of the cards on the bottom of the deck. Then, if Kid Ibuki entered by ambush, your opponent discards a card from hand.
Kid Ibuki's discard effect is the main purpose of the deck. We want multiple ways to get Kid Ibuki either from deck or drop back into the facedown soul of cards on the field.
"Shuten Demonic Deity" Kid Ibuki - Shuten Kid Ibuki costs 2 gauge with ambush and move. His first skill board wipes the opponent's monsters on the field and damage your opponent equal to the number of cards destroyed at the beginning of the Oni Assassin player's turn. This is nice if it destroys anything at all but more often than not, it will not. This Kid Ibuki is more of a "get a free turn" card and is not the main card to always play.
His Overkill is the main reason to play this. His Overkill costs 1 gauge when a monster would be destroyed, choose a monster and for the turn, that monster cannot be destroyed at all. If the opponent has a crazy offensive board, you just want to use his Overkill to stop any battle destruction and penetrate damage.
To be honest, this slot in the deck is pretty flexible if you want to not run Shuten Kid Ibuki and want to add different cards.
Dark Arms, Fiery Bloom - Violet Blades - The main weapon of the deck. The equip cost isn't terrible. Just 1 gauge and 1 life. It can attack through center even if there's an Oni Assassin the center. It can't be destroyed or bounced back to hand by the opponent's card effects and the last skill reduces the gauge cost of Oni Assassin monsters by 1 gauge.
This last effect is the key point of the deck. This item is why Uji Bridge Princess is enough gauge to sustain the deck and running Under the Table would be overkill on gauge.
Banquet for the Unrighteous - Banquet has 1 of 2 abilities you can choose from. The first is you can check the top 3 cards of the deck and grab a monster from among them and the rest goes to the drop. This helps with general consistency in the deck and drop zone set up.
The second lets you grab a card from drop and put it into the soul of a monster on your field. Depending on the state of the game, you have many options but ideally, you'll want to put Mountain Deity Kid Ibuki facedown into a Oni Horde's soul.
Ibuki's Encouragement - With Ibuki's Encouragement, you can either drop a soul from a card on the field and if you do, draw a card or, if the card itself is facedown in the soul of a card and sent to the drop, you gain a gauge and draw a card. I tend to use both abilities about 50/50. I'll sometimes even use the first skill on my turn to get Mountain Deity Kid Ibuki out onto the field. This card is just flexible in basically any situation.
House of Assassins, Oni Convoy - A set spell that you can only have one of on the field at a time. It's ability allows you to put a card from hand facedown into the soul of an Oni Assassin on the field and draw a card. This is mainly to help with making the quality of your hand better.
Midnight Bodyguard - An attack null where you can drop a soul card to gain a gauge and a life. Since the deck is closed center, this card can help reduce that threat. Also, if you want to trigger a facedown soul on the left or right or items instead of the center, you can do that by dropping the soul with this card.
Underhanded Means, Shedding Cycle - The best draw spell! At counter speed at any time, you can drop a face down soul from an Oni Assassin to gain 2 life and draw 2 cards. I run 4 because this can also be run on the opponent's turn so this shouldn't really clog up your hand. Also, because it's counter speed, you can counter when a card is played by your opponent. Effectively making Shedding Cycle "unnullifiable" because the max card chain is 2.
Hiding Oni - Another draw spell for the deck. You just drop a soul from a card on the field to gauge 1 and draw 2. Pretty straightforward.
Demon Way, Sakurafubuki - The best spell null in the game! Pay 2 life to nullify a spell. Just a good effect. Keep in mind it's limited to 1 in the deck.
Chess Break - Used to get rid of up to two set spells from the opponent's field by putting them back to the deck. There is virtually no protection against bouncing cards back to deck. The two biggest threats to just absolutely shutting down Oni Assassins is Invitation to Death Ground and Cherry Blossom Dance so if the opponent has those cards, absolutely add this card to the deck.
Promise of Rainbow - Mainly for decks that try to mill you to death. Oni Assassin decks can already go through a decent amount of their deck in one turn. The "rest a monster" effect is certainly not a bad option either so if you want more "attack nulls", you can run this card.
Rampaging Evil Demon, Akuro-oh - This is probably the most likely card you can switch out based on personal preferences. This is mainly to swap out Shuten Kid Ibuki out of the deck. I run this if some decks still don't have anti-destruction or, if his burn effect can clinch out the game. His burn effect is not dependent on cards being destroyed either so you can play it just to burn the opponent.
My Japanese Blade/Blade Beasts deck is next up. There are a few techs in the deck but I don't think it's anything that's really out of the ordinary. Also, I'd like to specify the difference between Japanese Blades and Blade Beasts. All card types are Japanese Blade. Whether they're spells, monsters, items or impacts. The Blade Beasts attribute are only given to the monsters. Like always, if you want to see a video of this exact deck, check below for my YouTube video
Like usual, the goal of a Japanese Blade deck is to get more effects for the Japanese Blades by having differently named Japanese Blade cards in the drop zone. To facilitate this, there are cards that help add cards from deck to drop or from field to drop. Lets start with the size 0s.
White Dew Blade Beast, Murasamemaru - When Murasamemaru attacks, he allows you to equip an item from the drop by paying 1 life. Also, at the end of the turn, he is destroyed. I run this at one for a couple reason. First, it allows you to extend your battle phase a little bit but that's not super common. Second, if I'm missing one of my Japanese Blade weapons, I can re-equip it. Lastly, he's just another different Japanese Blade.
I dont want him early game so I just run him at 1 where if I come across him late game, cool. He's probably useful. If I find him early on, I just charge and draw him and he'll just count to the differently named Japanese Blades in drop. He helps supplement the deck but I dont completely rely on him.
Weaver of Dream and Fate, Miko - Both of Miko's skills can potentially be helpful. You can call her to the field as extra protection for your items but more importantly, Japanese Blade fields tend to be open more often than not so direct attacks are pretty common. Also, Japanese Blades have pretty bad attack nulls for the archetype so Miko helps with that problem. Also, with Tojikiri Yasutsuna's tutor ability, it allows you to shuffle the Mikos at the bottom of the deck back into the middle of the deck.
Blade Beast of Ghostslash, Tojikiri Yasutsuna - Speaking of the good boy, we're onto Tojikiri Yasutsuna. He costs a hefty 2 gauge but he can search for any Japanese Blade monster/item in the deck and add it to your hand. So, he helps with consistency. Also, as long as there's at least one Japanese Blade in the drop (which you can get by just paying his 2 gauge), it gets a critical and penetrate. The bar for that is about as low as it can be.
Guardian Electrobeast, Goryou - Her check top 3 ability is just solid consistency for the deck and helps get more Japanese Blades to the drop. Remember that you do NOT have to show your opponent what card you get with her.
Blade Beast of Blinder, Mikazuki Munechika "Re:B" - Onto the Buddy! Boy does he have a wall of text. Lets run down it real quick. He costs 2 gauge but gets a soul, soulguard, move, penetrate and double attack. A little expensive but we have answer for that later.
With him on the field, all Japanese Blades can't be destroyed or bounce and they get 10,000 power and 1 critical. Not bad. Solid effects to keep the board a live.
Next is his ability "Stance Under the Moonlight". It states that when he enters the field put up to 3 different Japanese Blade (monster, item, spell or impact) from your deck into the drop zone. Then, if there are 5 or more Japanese Blade are in the drop, gain 2 gauge and draw 2 cards and "Stance Under the Moonlight" can only activate once per turn. So, he basically pays for himself plus 1 more card in hand.
Everything about this card is solid which is why he's the buddy. Solid stats, solid effects, solid drop zone setup and solid advantage. You actually don't even lose advantage playing this card.
Mikazuki Munechika, "Forbidden Art Blade Deity Descends!" - The Japanese Blade impact monster. He's a little expensive at 3 gauge but if there's seven or more different Japanese Blade in the drop zone, he gains a critical and his attack can't be nullified. He also has innate move, penetrate, double attack and soulguard. I would say unless you know you can finish off the game, don't call this over Mikazuki Munechika Re:B. The card itself also just adds another different Japanese Blade to the deck worst case scenario.
Blade Beast of Sixteenth Night, Crane Princess Ichimonji - Ichimonji is a little expensive at 2 gauge but with her effect, where you discard a Japanese Blade from hand, you gain a gauge and a hand card back, her real cost is just 1 gauge. Also, if you have 3 or more different Japanese Blade in the drop, she gets 1 critical and move. Also, she has innate double attack and soulguard.
She's in the deck for a few reasons. First, her existence in the deck itself is another Japanese Blade. If you have the ideal field with Mikazuki Munechika Re:B, just send a copy of her to the drop. You don't need her in the deck at that point. Second, her effect helps filter your hand. Third, she helps set up the drop zone. Third, Hiding Oni is in the deck (explained further below) so you can remove her soul to gauge 1 and draw 2.
Famous Blade, Kogane-chidori - Moving onto the weapons of the deck! First up is Kogane-chidori. It costs a hefty 2 gauge. It has two abilities. First, if it's attacking alone, the attack damage can't be reduced which is nice but nothing special.
The second ability is the more important ability. When you cast a spell, you gain a gauge and for the turn it gains double attack. Keep in mind this activates during both you and your opponent's attacks. Granted, the double attack won't do any good on the opponent's attack but a steady stream of gauge for a gauge heavy deck is nice. After casting a spell on your turn and another spell on your opponent's, you have regained the gauge used to equip the weapon. Anything more is free.
Also, with Mikazuki Munechika on the field, it becomes a 15,000 power, 3 critical double attacking item that can't be reduced which is a solid weapon.
Exquisite Sword, Crane Princess - Crane Princess (Ichimonji's weapon) isn't anything super special. It can only be equipped if there is a Blade Beast on the field which, shouldn't be a big deal. It costs only 1 gauge and its only ability is that it can be equipped along side another Japanese Blade. So, the only real reason why you run it is because you can. Granted, it does become a 17.000 power, 2 critical weapon with Mikazuki Munechika Re:B but that's nothing crazy. However, it's better than nothing.
Voice of the Blade - Moving onto the spells now. First up is a staple for Japanese Blade. Voice of the Blade is a set spell and you can only have 1 of it on the field. It's first effect is that the gauge cost of Blade Beasts is reduced by 1. Keep in mind only the monsters are Blade Beasts. This does not reduce the cost of the weapons.
It's second effect is you may discard a Japanese Blade from your hand. Then, check the top 3 cards of your deck and put up to two Japanese Blade from among them to your hand and the rest are discarded. Keep in mind, Japanese Blade is the attribute that spans across all the card types so you can grab any card with the attribute. Just remember to show your opponent what cards you're choosing.
Sword Skill, Zanteisettetsu - This card is usually used as an attack null because it can specify any Japanese Blade card on the field and if it's a monster, give it counterattack but, it can also be used to protect items from being destroyed. There's no other alternative kind of card for the deck so it's good just due to lack of options.
Celestial Arts, Returning Water - It's a pretty straightforward card. At counter speed, you can destroy your own monster to draw a card, gain a gauge and life. The main use for this is to destroy your own monster in the center to wiff an opponent's attack and their penetrate (if they have it). Worst case though, if you need more Japanese Blades in the drop, you can destroy a monster on the field. This is one card that I think if others prefer to swap this out for other cards, that's totally fine as well. This card is nice but certainly not a staple.
Hiding Oni - An Oni Assassin spell that lets you drop a soul from a card on the field to gauge 1 and draw two. Mikazuki Munechika Re:B and Ichimonji are really the only two that have souls.
Another alternative option is Demon Way, Akeshigure but Japanese Blades can be pretty gauge heavy where Hiding Oni gives you a gauge. That being said, if you have Kogane-chidori on the field, the gauge cost is basically free as well.
Clear Serenity - Pretty simple card. At counter speed at anytime, you gain 3 gauge. Japanese Blades have always been more on the gauge heavy side so I added Clear Serenity to help mitigate that issue. Also, you can play this during the opponent's turn and if you have Kogane-chidori on the field, you technically get 4 gauge so that's nice for impacts.
Blade Beast Formation, Shape of the Elite - The normal impact of the deck. It's run mainly because it's another Japanese Blade but, it's also not a difficult card to actually cast if you want. The only tough thing is the 3 gauge cost but that's why we run Clear Serenity.
Also, thanks to Clear Serenity, you can have no gauge during the battle phase, the opponent doesn't think you have anything else to attack and you can suddenly cast Clear Serenity and cast this impact to have another battle phase. If the opponent knew you had 3 gauge, they might cast their cards during the battle phase differently to better predict the impact. Waiting last minute to gain the gauge and impact call may make the opponent make unoptimized moves compared to if they knew the gauge was on the field.
Cherry Blossom Dance - It's a set spell with two abilities. First, if an item would leave the field, you may sacrifice the set spell instead to keep the item on the field. This helps keep your items from being messed with. The second ability prevents cards from being called from the drop so this will help against decks like Oni Assassins, Skull Warriors and MAX Dragons.
Buddy Block! - Used mainly for the second effect of only allowing up to 4 attacks in a turn. Some decks can do an obscene number of attacks that can't be handled normally. Buddy Block! helps with that.
Secret Sword, Waves-Splitting Arc Fangs - An interesting card because it doesn't require Secret Sword, Lethal Formation to activate. When the opponent nullifies an attack, you may pay 2 gauge to burn the opponent for 2 and re-stand a card on the field (so it can attack again). If you play against a deck you know has attack nulls, you can run this card to punish the opponent and get your attacks back to try again. It's better to cast this card from a Secret Sword, Lethal Formation because you'll get 3 gauge back which brings us to our last card...
Secret Sword, Lethal Formation - This card is basically extra copies of Secret Sword, Waves-Splitting Arc Fangs with the added benefit of gaining 3 gauge. Also, this is not ideal but if Secret Sword, Lethal Formation has a soul underneath, you can use Hiding Oni to drop the soul and gauge 1 and draw 2. Again, not ideal but the option is there if push comes to shove.