Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Buddy Ragnarok Katana World Set Review


And finally, the last set of the game in English. I know I know, hold back the tears. One thing to note is that a box of Buddy Ragnarok always gave the exact same set of cards so, you know what you're getting if you buy a box. Bushiroad more than likely did this since it was the last set. I do want to mention that I personally feel like I didn't say too much about each card in general but at the same time, the cards are pretty self-explanatory in what they do. So, like usual, let's start from the top!

Nanomachine Ninja, Tsukikage Re:B

This is the second printing of this card. The first print was from Perfected Time Ruler. However, this time, it was printed as an SP instead of a boring double rare and I have to say, I like the art. If you want to see any further details about this card, check out the Perfected Time Ruler set review.

Long story short, this card is super flexible in many Katana World decks. Mainly ninjas (duh), Skull Warriors, Garninjas, Bladedancers and Blade Beasts. The protection effect is a nice bonus but is not usually what you use this card for. It's mainly used for the tutoring/filter of your deck.

Also, unless you're low on deck, always grab two cards. Worst case, you discard one card you grabbed from the tutor.

Sol Trilight, Amaterasu "Wisteria Dance"

I have mixed feelings about Sol Trilight. At first glance, she looks like she might be, for all intents and purposes, an upgrade to Electrodeity of Light, Amaterasu but, I disagree. I think the real limiting factor of this card is that it can only activate during either player's battle phase. 

I think depending on what kind of deck you're playing, you can possibly play her but not all decks necessarily want her.  That means if you want to potentially have more counter play during the opponent's main phase (like Cross Manners/Sakurafubuki), you're not running this in the deck. If you're playing Lost Electrodeity, then yes, this card is great because you just want Lost World by the end of the opponent's turn. 

Steelframe Swordsman, KUROGANE "HAYABUSA"

The last Kurogane and thankfully, he's a good card. Hayabusa is basically the default size two Kuragane you'll run in the deck. Mainly because of the card protection effect and the deck needs the opponent to attack. It also helps trigger the size 1 SHAKUDO later on in this list.

Oni Boss, Kid Ibuki "Re:B"

Kid Ibuki got a Re:B! I do wish they used his SP art. It's better in my opinion. Anyways, he works very similar to his original effect but it's a little more power crept to keep up with the times. It can also destroy items along with monsters and deals damage based on the critical. Not their size. He also helps set himself up for free!

Sadly, this won't be enough to make the card good. Most decks run anti-destruction in almost any conceivable way. Sure, there may be a way to break up the board but you'll be having to do something as annoying and tedious as destroying a set spell, then, attacking a 2 soul monster that provides protection from effect damage before you could actually freely start destroying cards. 

By that point though, the game is probably almost over with and not in your favor so people have pretty much given up destruction effects. Sadly, I don't think Kid Ibuki Re:B is really playable to any certain degree.

Electrobeast Emissary, Mashiro

Mashiro is another support card for keeping Electrodeity's items on the field. It can be a toss up between either running a copy or two in the main deck or just leave her in the sideboard. Her first counter effect is nice but I don't think Electrodeities are too worried about destruction or bounce effects. They're more worried about put effects and unfortunately, I think Grace of the Sun Deity does an overall better form of protection because Sun Deity is for the whole turn (and therefore, deals with Vanity Husk Destroyer well) and Mashiro is just for one instance.

Young Alloy Swordsman, SHAKUDO

The other new Bladedancer and he's actually really good! He needs a bladedancer to be put into his soul to be called but that's not a super hard requirement (but strange for a size 1). Keep in mind that his damage increase effect only works on the impact. It doesn't work with Kurogane Hayabusa's burn effect (because he's not an Excelblade). However, his gauge gain effect does trigger with Kurogane Hayabusa's burn effect AND the Excelblade impacts. Also, he's tutor-able thanks to Tsukikage Re:B. 


A new tutor for Bladedancers! It's fantastic that it doesn't cost any gauge. Between this card and Tsukikage Re:B, you can get your full board on the field pretty consistently. Regaining the 2 life isn't hard either. You have Kurogane Hayabusa that burns the opponent for two and gives two life back and you have Fusion Style, Steadfast Sequence the First. Overall, this card's cost is basically free.

Art of Warm Pleasant Happiness

Now this card flew under my radar years after it came out. I just saw Gardog and Garbird and just didn't even think it would be useful in anything other than Garninjas but, this card is pretty strong as long as a deck has a lot of Ninja Art cards. So, at the very least Tsukikage brother ninjas and Garninjas.

At best, you get 3 gauge and 3 life for one card which is solid and it's not that hard to accomplish either. Also, you can even cycle the card itself back into the deck to potentially reuse later. The two Dragod tokens is also nice but I think people will gravitate to this card more for it's resource gain.

Cross Manner

The new spell null for Electrodiety (after they limited Demon Way, Sakurafubuki to 1). It's basically like any other spell null now. Playable on turn 1 but because it costs 2 gauge, it can't be played multiple times like Sakurafubuki could.

I don't think it's an absolute staple in every Electrodeity deck and honestly, it's not optimal to play it with Sol Trilight Amaterasu. Still, I think it can be generally played as a 2/3 of. In my play testing, 4 copies with 1 copy of Sakurafubuki made the deck feel a little too cluttered but your mileage may vary.

Excelblade, Godslash KANESADA -SINUCHI-

The new an improved weapon for Bladedancers! This card isn't technically a straight upgrade to Excelblade, Godslash KANESADA (this card costs 2 life instead of 1) but for all intents and purposes, it's basically better. By this point, you also shouldn't even need Excelblade, Beastcut in the main or side deck at all. You can basically run 8 copies of this card in your deck thanks to KABUKI MAI. Not saying you have to. I find it better to run 2/3 copies of the weapon and 4 copies of the tutor personally.

The last Garninja item. His cost isn't bad since it's split between 1 gauge and 1 life. He has on field protection of your Deity Dragon Tribes as long as a size 2 or greater Dragod is on the field and he can extend the battle phase by summoning two size 0 Dragod tokens. These tokens can also be summoned during the opponent's turn for defense as well. Overall, real solid weapon to choose for Garninja decks. Not much else to say. The card basically writes itself.

Yamigitsune gets a Re:B form and boy was it a sight for sore eyes. He gives everything a skull warrior would want. He gives all Skull Warriors shadow dive. He actually has some staying power by having two easy souls. Skull Warrior's damage cannot be reduced with a Skull Warrior is attacking alone. His "To Darkness" skill gives a gauge, life and draw and he has double attack, soulguard and move (for some odd reason).

Overall, he's the best Yamigitsune Skull Warriors will ever get. 10/10. He's a good boy.

Ziun on the other hand, he's rough. At least from the Skull Warrior/Katana World perspective. I assume he's more fitted for the Dungeon World/Omnilord deck. I've never played that deck so I don't have any insight there. He also in theory works well if you want to still run the Boy Transformation, Yamigitsune, size 0/3 build but he's very weak and susceptible to many disruptions so he's not really viable anymore.

Nanomachine Ninja, Byakuya "Re:B"

On paper, Byakuya Re:B doesn't seem bad but that doesn't make him great. I'll be honest, I haven't thought much about him. I can see there being an all size 1 field gimmick where you just get Tsukikage Re:B on the field to buff 1 or 2 Byakuya on the field and you just work on trying to discard your whole hand to shadow dive the opponent to death with 4 critical attacks but, I haven't really messed with him. Plus for me, size 1 ninja fields feel boring since they've been around since literally day 1 of Katana World and at least Gojinmaru as a concept is at least a little newer (but still very old). This Byakuya is basically as useful as the deck you decide to build around him.

Next up is the goodest boy in all of the Japanese Blade archetype. He gives destruction protection. He gives power and critical boosts and he even freely sets up the drop zone AND gives gauge and card advantage back?! Pinch me I must be dreaming. Sure, he's a little expensive at 2 gauge but what's 2 gauge when you get it right back from his "Stance Under the Moonlight" ability? You can even plus one gauge if you have Voice of the Blade on the field when you play Mikazuki Munechika. Run 3. Make him buddy. Give all your worldly possessions to him. He deserves it.

You know, I think it's a shame that Bushiroad kept making Giant Tanuki/Hellrend Heaven cards in Katana World but never actually gave the card a fair shake in Katana World itself. Like, let people dabble with a decent deck where you play Katana World but also only play Guardians and Executioners. Would it be good? Probably not but it would be a funny casual deck.


So there we have it. The last Set Review for the game. Personally, it feels weird only give about a paragraph explanation for each card but these cards were just meant to be generally good for the decks they were supported with. Can't really look into the future and speculate when you know the games dead. Oh well.

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