Up next is my Electrodeity deck. This will just be a normal Electrodeity deck and not Lost Electrodeities. Compared to Lost Electrodeity, I haven't play tested this deck nearly as much, but the playstyle is pretty simple and straightforward.
If you'd like to watch the video on the deck, check it out below:
4x Electrodeity of Light, Amaterasu
1x Affectionate Heavenly Deity, Amaterasu
1x Electrodeity of Water, Mizuhanome
2x Great Electrodeity of Freedom, Izanami
4x Kagura, Blossom Dancer
2x Miracle Fighters
3x Ritual, Harvest Prayer
3x Kagura, Electrodeity Welcome
3x Cross Manner
4x Sol Aurora
4x Freed Flower of Yosen
3x Wind Arc Deity, Uzu-ikazuchi
1x Demon Way, Sakurafubuki
Main Deck
Weaver of Dream and Fate, Miko - Miko has two abilities. Her first ability lets you sacrifice herself on the field to keep your item on the field. This is a nice effect but not what you play her for. You play her for her second ability. When your opponent attacks you directly, you put her from the drop to the bottom of the deck and pay a gauge. If you do, you nullify an attack and gain 3 life.
Electrobeast Emissary, Otora - When Otora enters the field, if there's another Electrodeity, you gain a gauge and draw a card. A good card to cycle your hand and gain some gauge at the same time. It's also not once per turn. Just run her at 4 at any time.Guardian Electrobeast, Goryou - Goryou can only be called once but when you do call her, she lets you check the top 3 cards of your deck and put one to hand. She's just a good consistency boost for the deck.
Electrodeity of Light, Amaterasu - The buddy of the deck. She costs 2 gauge to summon but you will rarely pay that cost. She's your backup possession option. She'll usually be called to the field. At counter speed, she can either let you gain 2 life, draw a card and gain 4000 defense (total of 12,000) or, gain a gauge and get 8000 power and double attack. You'll more often than not use the former skill but the latter skill isn't bad either.
Affectionate Heavenly Deity, Amaterasu - She costs 3 gauge to summon but you rarely will have to pay for this. It'll be summoned for free with a card I'll show in a little bit. Her ability is, pay 1 life, draw a card and choose one of the following two. Her first ability is, gain 6,000 power (total of 14,000) and triple attack. The second is gain 6,000 defense (total of 14,000) and gain counterattack. This is a more offensive option you will summon during your turn. The 1 life cost should be negligible with the life gain you get from Electrodeity of Light, Amaterasu, Weaver of Dream and Fate, Miko and the next card.
Electrodeity of Water, Mizuhanome - She has one of two options you can use once per turn. The first is "rest a monster and gain 2 life" or "bounce a monster and burn the opponent for 1". Also, the life gain and life burn effects are not dependent on the first half of the effect being successful. She's in here mainly as a tech option so if you don't have much of a use for her, you can swap it out for other cards. You'll usually summon her to the field as a size 0 thanks to the next card...
Great Electrodeity of Freedom, Izanami - Izanami will be the main Electrodeity you want to possess into. Izanami has triple attack. She has two abilities that you can only choose one of once per turn. The first allows you to get an extra turn if you discard 5 different size 3 Electrodeities from your hand. This ability can't even be used in the deck. There's only 4 different size 3 Electrodeities in the deck.
The main purpose for Izanami is her second ability. Once per turn, you can summon a size 3 Electrodeity from the drop to the field for free and it becomes a size 0 as long as it's on the field. This is how you're able to re-summon both Amaterasus and Mizuhanome for free onto the field.
Kagura-bell of Worship - The main weapon for the deck. It's a crucial staple that without it, the deck just won't function. I run it at 3 because any less and it's possible for both copies to be in the starting gauge and that will be a major hinderance during a game.Kagura, Blossom Dancer - A spell card that can only be casted during the opponent's turn. You can either equip an Electrodeity item from deck or drop or, the next time you take damage, reduce it to zero.
I like this more than Electrodeity Festival because with Blossom Dancer, if the Electrodeity player is going second, they can possess into a size 3 at the start of their first turn (second turn of the game). With Electrodeity Festival, your first turn feels bad enough if you're going turn 0. If you're going second though, your opponent is basically getting two turns in a row. It always feels weak. Where with Blossom Dancer, you can start off with a solid first turn after your opponent.
Miracle Fighters - Another tutor for the deck. You basically pay a gauge, select an attribute of a card on your field, and grab either an item or size 3 monster with the same selected attribute. I just run 2 copies because any more and it starts to feel redundant and pointless in your hand.
Ritual, Harvest Prayer - The draw spell for the deck. Pay 1 gauge. If you have an electrodeity on the field, draw 2 cards. If your item has a soul (which means your possessed), draw 1 more. Pretty straightforward.
Kagura, Electrodeity Welcome - A spell that you can only cast this if you have an Electrodeity on the field. Pay 1 life, gain 3 gauge then, look at all gauge and put up to one card in gauge to hand. A solid resource/pseudo tutor card. You can also rearrange the cards in the gauge how you want so if you want to get certain cards out of the gauge, re-arrange the cards in gauge to your liking.
Cross Manner - Electrodeity's own spell null! It can only be casted if your item has a soul. Pay 2 gauge to nullify the spell and for the turn, the opponent can't cast the same card again. Another straightforward card.
Sol Aurora - It can only be casted if you're being attacked. Nullify the attack then if your item has a soul, gain a gauge and life and choose one of the attackin cards and for the turn it can't re-stand. Another solid attack null/resource gain for the deck.Freed Flower of Yosen - The last attack null of the deck. You can cast it when you're being attacked. Nullify the attack and if its the third or more attack for the turn and your item has a soul, end the phase. Just a solid way to stop the opponent from trampling you.
Wind Arc Deity, Uzu-ikazuchi - This might be a little unexpected but I see this card as the kind of "impact" for the deck. You can only cast it if your item has a soul. For the turn, the criticals of all Electrodeity on the field cannot be reduced by card effects and when your item attacks, destroy a card on the opponent's field and burn the opponent for 1. I don't expect many cards to be destroyed by this card's effect but the burn damage is independent of the card destruction. So, with Izanami as an item, this will trigger 3 times. I run at 3 so its common enough to see and I might have a chance of using it twice. 4 seems excessive and 2 or less seemed too little. Without this, the deck doesn't feel like it has enough offense to push for game. If you think otherwise, that's fine, you can take this out of your deck.
Demon Way, Sakurafubuki - A better version of Cross Manner. No requirement other than 2 life to nullify a spell. Unfortunately it's limited to 1 in any deck.
Cherry Blossom Dance - A set spell that has two abilities. The first is if your item would leave the field, you may sacrifice the set spell to keep the item on the field. The second prevents your opponent from calling monsters from the drop. It's used primarily to help with the anti-item destruction and the anti-drop summon effect is just icing on the cake.Loyalty - A spell that costs a gauge and has three abilities. It is mainly used for the third effect. This effect makes it so the opponent can't call more than 3 monsters in a turn. This is nice if you play against a deck that likes to spam summon monsters for effects and advantage.
Grace of the Sun Deity - It's a spell that has one of two effects. It's mainly used for the second effect. That effect states that you choose a card on the field and for the turn, the card annot be destroyed or leave the field by your opponent's card effects and its souls cannot be dropped or returned to deck by the opponent's card effects.
This is mainly used against Lost World/Husk so your item cannot be put to the drop. With this card, you could arguably replace Cherry Blossom Dance with something else but I haven't thought of a viable alternative card.
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